Monday, 7 August 2017

Energetic Candy is rich in energy & has a discrete property in promoting tissues energy. Energetic Candy King is rich in saccharides especially fructose which represent more than 40% of the available carbohydrates in honey. Fructose readily diffuses adipose & skeletal muscle membranes whereby , it is very easily catabolized to supply energy according to cell requirement. 功效Function: Reduce stress , Strengthen physical fitness and ability, Restoring energy , Strengthen body foundation health, Kidney regulation, Anti -aging , Anti-oxidation, Increase libido and achieve stronger erections. 减轻压力,增强体质和体能,恢复精力,增强身体基础健康,肾脏调节,抗老化,抗氧化,增强免疫力,提高性欲和实现更持久的雄风。 主要成份Main Ingredients: Eurycoma Longifolia Radix, Panax Ginseng, Maca, Polygoni Multiflori Preparata, Himalayan Teasel Rool, Turmeric Root Tuber, Songaria Cynomorium, maltose 东革阿里,人参,玛卡,何首乌,织金续断,姜黄茶,阿拉善锁阳,纯天然麦芽糖。 规格Specification: 1 sachets x 4.5g -Enhance immunity. -Prevent arthritis and multiple sclerosis. -Treat asthma. -Slow the signs of aging. -Stimulate hair growth. -Improve sexual performance. -Reduce symptoms of menopause. -Accelerating the healing and consolidation of fractured bones. -Lower cholesterol. -Alleviate cardiovascular ailments. -Remedy liver disease, pancreatic, insomnia, fatigue, ulcers, and digestive and skin disorders. -Reduce tiredness and overwork, asthenia, anxiety states, insomnia and anorexia. -Enhancing the synthesis of testosterone. -Increase the energy level. -Increase in sexual response and sperm quality. Storage: Keep in dry place at room temperature. Dosage: 1 sachet daily. QUALITY GUARANTEED **our company is provide OEM/ODM services** 1)可以拥有相同的秘方并且使用自己的商标,重新设计属于您自己公司的新包装(提供此服务) 2)重新精心调制属于您的加强版/独特版之独一无二秘方。 If you are interested or wish to get further information,please do not hesitate to drop me a reply email by or contact me via phone +60172889376(whatsapp, wechat, , message, call) Million thanks. Drs Secret Worldwide manufactured Sdn Bhd, Johnson Business Development Executive(Malaysia Branch) No 42, 2nd floor jalan todak 2, Butterworth, Malaysia. Office Tel: +604-3562160 Office Fax: +604-3562160 Phone Num: +6017-2889376

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